Friday, April 6, 2012

Things Like Star Wars Or Lord Of The Rings Tattoos

I have noticed recently that there are a few jobs being posted on the web for custom tattoo designs involving movies. In fact I saw one on my site a day or so ago for a custom star wars tattoo design. This was something that the person wanted to get done that would span across their calves. It was honestly a pretty cool plan for a design and might come out very artistically.
Then a few weeks back I was on's tattoo and body modification website and found they had awarded a tattoo of the week to someone who had gotten a Lord of the Rings Tattoo done on their back. Again the piece is beautiful and very well done.
However with all of these movie tattoos things like star wars tattoos and Lord of the Rings tattoos I have to wonder if it is a good idea. There is a lot of debate in the world of tattooing as to what is a good design to get a tattoo done of. However almost everyone agrees that the most important factor bar none is your own desires and like or dislikes. For example if you went out and got a shooting star tattoo or Celtic cross tattoo just because you heard they were popular right now and you didn't really like it for any other reason then eventually you would grow to hate the tattoo. Sure at first it might be fun to show it off to friends and look cool and popular. But in another 20 years or so you won't probably want to show it off. That is when a tattoo becomes something much more personal. So most designers, tattoo artists, and tattoo customers universally agree if you are going to get a tattoo go right ahead. They are really cool and very addictive. However get one because it is something you like and something you will always like.

So should you get star wars or Lord of the Rings tattoo done? Well, of curse they are super popular items right now with the success of their respective movies. However that is not a very good reason to get one done. On the other hand if you have always been a fan of the series and it is something that speaks to you in a personal way then go for it. The sets in both movies and the complex story plots lend themselves to some very beautiful designs. Just make sure you are not getting it because the movie was just released and it is what is "in style" right now. For me personally you might ask? I would probably have to go with a Lord of the Rings tattoo. I have always loved the series and had read the books a billion times. Sure the trilogy coming out rekindled some of my love of the series but I have always loved the themes, allegory and symbolism portrayed in the movie. There is something powerful for me about the struggle between good and bad forces and the archetypal role of the wizard that Gandalf plays. I absolutely love the series and the books and could see myself getting a tattoo of Gandalf. On the other hand even though I like Star Wars and it is a lot of fun and I am excited about the popularity and success of the series it just does not speak to me in the same way. So it would not be a very good candidate for a Star Wars tattoo.

Halloween Nail Art Design

Halloween is coming! Why not paint your nails with this Halloween nail art designs to pair with your Halloween costumes?It's a good idea right? 
Well hope you have fun!:-)

Angelina Jolie Tattoo

Various pictures of Angelina Jolie’s Tattoos:
Angelina Jolie Tattoo Pictures
Angelina Jolie Tattoo Pictures
Angelina Jolie Tattoo Pictures
Angelina Jolie Tattoo Pictures
Angelina Jolie Tattoo Pictures

Lates Tattoo Pictures

Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo Pictures
Lates Tattoo PicturesLates Tattoo Pictures

Mainstream Tattoo

The success of shows like LA Ink, Miami Ink and West Side Tattoo show just how popular the mainstream tattoo market really is. What started with one, surprisingly successful reality show has ended up spinning off into more shows, coupled with drama, and only half about the tattoos. What is still evident in these programs, all drama aside, is that people want tattoos that mean something to them, and go much deeper than the surface level of skin.
Star Studded Ink
Kat Von D would probably not be famous if not for her body art. Even as her guest appearance turned into her own show, the art would only play a small part in the scheme of things. This is just how it seems to be in Hollywood. Other stars have been demonized and idolized for their ink, including Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Eminem, 50 Cent, Pamela Anderson and hundreds more. Simply watch a basketball game in the NBA and you'll see full sleeves and massive tattoos spread all over the bodies of the players. One has to ask is it the status of having a tattoo that makes a person get one, or is it the tattoo that gives the person added notoriety?

Compelling Urges
Exhibitionism is nothing new to the social elite of the world. Many of them were out to be famous from the get go. Adding a tattoo to their repertoire may have been another way to get noticed or set them apart from the others in their field. Some people though, don't need body art to be seen. Take Justin Timberlake for instance. He was massively famous before he started collecting his tats. Lenny Kravitz is another singer that added body art to his already successful music career. David Beckham wasn't able to score more goals because of his extensive ink, he did that naturally. Tattoo designs can even accentuate an actor or performer, and enhance their look. Take a look at The Rock. His bulging muscles and charisma took him from sports to stage wrestling and into acting, and the tattoo designs he chose made his muscles jump right out and grab you.
Bold But Not So Beautiful
There are, of course, those infamous tattoo ideas that could have been and should have been forgotten. Most notably was the tribal facial fu**up by Mike Tyson. He was a badass before, but looked like a dumbass afterwards. Even his sweet, good guy image he is portraying now can't hide the ridiculous choice of tattoo pattern he chose. Cher's choice of a butt tattoo was merely paint on a withering canvass. Britney's tattoo choices certainly did not help her retain her sanity during her meltdown. Same goes for her ex-hubby. Kevin Federline, try as he may, couldn't use his tattoos to boost his singing career or help him dance any better. Some times it just doesn't make sense to waste good ink.

Awesome Tattoo Designs for Girls

So you are a young lady and you want a new tattoo. You have no idea what you want, but you really want some new ink. Fret no longer. I am going to give you a few cute tattoo designs for girls that may end being your next ink job. Sit back, relax and let me help you make a good a decision.
Tattoos do not always have to be pictures. Most of the time they are, but lately words and script have become incredibly popular. A good suggestion would be someones name. And I do not mean your boyfriend who you have been dating for two weeks. That would be bad. What I mean is perhaps a friend or loved one who has passed away. This could be a great way to remember and honor them. It is literally a living tribute to that person. Do not rule out pets that have passed on either. Pets are often considered members of the family and always hold a special place in peoples hearts. So if getting a name tattooed was a direction you were leaning, it is a good idea and I hope this was the push you needed.

Another cute tattoo design for girls is getting a portrait. Again it can go along with the idea of losing someone you loved and wanting to remember them. I would again stress that you do not get your boyfriends face tattooed anywhere on your body, as that would most likely be another bad idea. But the person does not have to be dead in order for you to get them tattooed either. A lot of people get the image of their children tattooed on their bodies. It can be a nice way to always carry your children with you wherever you go.
Lastly, a really cool idea, that I have seen a few times is hatch mark tattoos to commemorate years of accomplishing something. More often than not they represent years of sobriety or years of quitting something. Though the background of these tattoos can be kind of sad, they can serve two cool purposes. They can serve as reminders of accomplishments, reminding you how far you have come in your life. And they can also serve as warnings or reminders in times of weakness. Either way, the therapeutic value alone makes this a great idea for a new tattoo.

Tribal Tattoo, why ???

The art of tattoos, or dermal pigmentation, has been around for quite some time. The actual art began some 5000 years ago. The reasons why or how it began remain as mysterious as what some of the designs actually meant. Ones status among the others in his tribe seems to be a good reason. It seems that the more elaborate the tattoo, the higher up in the leadership of his tribe he was. (I use he [male] because the men in ancient times were the only leaders. Women's suffrage had not yet been thought of) these men consisted of the warriors of the tribes.
The warriors carried a lot of weight in decisions because they are the ones who defended the tribe against all enemies. Stories of the tattoos can still been seen today with some of the uncivilized tribes of South America and Polynesia. Pictures of these tribes that are known to exist date back to the mid to late 1800's. Hand written accounts exist from the early travel of man in his quest to explore the world. Columbus himself described many of these tribal tattoos

So, how did those tattoos get to be what they are today? Well, that is simple. Have you ever seen how big the older ones are? Can you imagine having your entire right arm a tribal tattoo? Don't get me wrong, I have seen them. But, I think there is any overwhelming urge to get the tattoo but with a scaled down attitude. I imagine that this is so that when you go to a job interview or meet your future mother and father in law, you are not shunned.
So how many tribal tattoos are there? Well, they are endless. That basically means that only your imagination can limit how many. The ones at the tattoo shops, well, he is limited to what he can afford to buy. Usually, these shops have around a hundred. The best bet is to get online, like you are now and look up some on your own.
The best advice I can give someone, get the one you want. Don't let these guys doing the ink tell you what you want. These things can't be washed off and they are not cheep. Pick a clean place. These guys that use old needles and do it in the garage should go to jail. They could be passing on nasty things like AIDS, Hepatitis or some other nasty thing I am sure you don't want.
The art of tattooing has come a long way since the days of picking up a dirty animal bone, dipping in to weird plant substance, and then having it stabbed into you arm, face, leg or other parts. There are a lot of good place to go to get tattooed. Just look for them and then visit a couple of times before you decide to use their services. Ask people about the place. Trust me, if this place is bad, they will tell you. And before you go there and get it done, know what you are going to get. This is most important. It is your body, you make the choice, NOT THEM!